The book clinicians turn to first when they encounter a patient who has ingested poison
Fully referenced and featuring a consistent organization, Goldfrankâ¢æ¢âs begins with an in-depth examination of general principles of medical toxicology. It then progresses to the biochemical principles and molecular basis of toxicology, and provides detailed insight into how xenobiotics affect vital signs, organs, and systems throughout the body. Next, a wide spectrum of clinically important exposures -- including drugs, plants, metals, household products, occupational and environmental xenobiotics are covered within logical categories for easy access to information. Finally, the book concludes with sections on principles of practicing clinical toxicology in todayâ¢æ¢âs challenging healthcare environment.The tenth edition is enhanced by a beautiful full-color design.
The standard-setting reference in medical toxicologyâ¢æ¡±trusted as the leading evidence-based resource for poison emergencies
For decades, one name has been synonymous with the most respected, rigorous perspectives on medical toxicology and the treatment of poisoned and overdosed patients: Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies. Presented in full color, this trusted classic delivers essential, patient-centered coverage of every aspect of poison management. The editors and authors are recognized as preeminent scholars in their specialties and provide unmatched coverage of all aspects of toxicologic emergencies, from pharmacology and clinical presentation to cutting-edge treatment strategies.
Goldfrank's Toxicologic Emergencies, Tenth Edition begins with examination of medical toxicology principles and techniques. It then reviews the biochemical, molecular, and pathophysiologic basis of toxicology, followed by an intense focus on toxicologic principles related to special patient populations. The book integrates instructive patient cases--covering the most common and most complex issues--as an aid to creative reasoning and problem solving of unknown and undifferentiated cases.
Case studies are strategically placed to enhance your understanding of clinical applications to the text material
Practical focus on the pathophysiologic basis of medical toxicology
The Antidotes in Depth sections demonstrate the expertise of toxicologists across the world as they enhance treatments for critically ill poisoned and overdosed patients and allow you to easily identify critical issues relating to the use of complex and often unfamiliar therapies
Coverage of population toxicology offers insight into poison prevention, education, international medical toxicology, epidemiology and research design, and medication safety
The principles of risk management, medicolegal decision making, patient safety, post mortem toxicology and the assessment of ethanol induced impairment described in chapters and Special Considerations emphasize the interface between medical toxicology, the law, and quality care
The Special Considerations Sections allow you to focus on decision-making strategies in unique toxicologic circumstances
Chapter updates throughout reflect the latest clinical perspectives and research in human toxicology